Saturday 9 July 2011

Saturday 26 March 2011

GR10 and lots of gardening

I am trying nottolet gardening take over my life. During Fallas onlyran one day on the last Sat. Now the week after luckily went up the GR10 and also did a run on Mon. GR10 and Pico de aguila. Not too sure if I´m on track for the Transalpine. Need to look.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Thought Catching

As I drove up to the start of the GR10 ascent, I was controlling myself to think, that when I got there I would be so happy to get changed and to start off running as when I was running I would feel so good, and that at all stages it would be good good and that of course at the end I would feel wonderful. It really worked. I did feel good. And luckily bery light. I descended through the Pico de aguila. A great short run. Yippee. And tomorrow more !

Wednesday 9 February 2011

GR10 with Steve

Last night was Wed nesday the 9th Feb. Did the GR10 the full one and ran down very fast. We had also done this last Monday. The Monday just gone I did the cross on my own and the previous Wed. we both did the cross together. Steve has lost loads of weight and I´m doing well. I have done the Penya de quita with the Pico de Auila and down the GR10. I did this in the summer and found it hard and then I did it a few weeks ago and it went well. We have also both done the Mola de segart which of course is tough, this was from home. All is well and this is all during quite grey weather, so when the weather warms up it will be great.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Saturday 29 th January

Done loads recently, on a bit of a roll. One big thing was on a monday night in the middle of January did the Penya de quita and the GR10 going up Pico de Aguila and down the GR10 steps. Thsi was the second time I have done it and felt a lot better as the last time was in the summer.
Today Steve did Mola de segart up the Pico de Agulia. I went from home up the GR10 ateps and also to Mola de segart. I hour 46 min. including 18 mins rest.