Friday 22 October 2010

Training for half marathon

Thursday evening, Tom was in Karate and Jack in football. I ran almost 10 Km in 48 mins, though I do need to workout exactly what this distance is. Train station down to beach and up back. I really pushed myself. I kept watching my heart rate and on the way up kept it quite high about 170. Felt really tired at the end of it. Though good. I need to do 15 KM next. onthe road but in between I´ll do hill stuff.

Sunday 17 October 2010

So there are about 5 weeks before the half marathon. This week I´m going to do at least; Tuesday about 10 - 15 KM using the Pucol to beach circuit. I would prefer to do 15 KM but bascially 10 is the min. Got a feeling I´ve parents eveniong Wed. and the following one. So Thur. will do a hill run, Penya de quita. And the weekend I will decide that before the WE. I want to aim for less than 2 hours for the half. 1.55.

Saturday 16 October 2010

GR 10 again

glad I did it as I was not feeling great before, but felt good doing it, a little low on energy, as in had not eaten enough, but my body felt lighter. Met Mado y novio on the way up ! She is often in these hills. Did really well. Now Lisa is going, I am going to do some things with Carol. The first thing is the Valencian half. round about Nov. 11 or 21. Need to get a plan together for that. Need to plan doing the Pucol to beach circuit. Need to start with about 15 KM. duriong the week. Need to start facing the fact that it is getting dark. High tech. head torch out you

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Aims for this week;

Wed need to go to running shop, so back at 6.45. Could do monastery or cross.
Thur . Hairdresser at 6pm - no run,
Fri - Segorbe leave school at 5.15pm
Sat - Do GR10 in it´s entirety.
October 12 th, Puente. raining. Went for a run to the village in the rain. Good effort, as I ran up, I didn´t feel I was running up. So that is pretty good. I had paid to run in Manolo´s run in Almenara. But didn´t do it, dreaded the 17 Km hill run so didn´t. Need runas though. Need aims and targets.
Yes lac d`oo but that isn´t me. But I was even higher than that and running down in the ran. Of course I had ran up.
BAck again after too long a break. Did some good runs in Luchon, in the French pyrenees. Especially 2 .5 hours (30 min walk) from Superbagneres to Lac dóo. Steve and the kids were there waiting for me. It rained from the col. The run up to the col was very difficult. It was day 3 of time of the month, so naturally it was difficult. From the col running in the rain was interesting. Cold and a little intimidating, running very high at 2,000 metres with virtually no clothes on, a peaked hat helped. My ipod almost died. I had the common sense to switch it off. Another great run was the one along past loads of cows. Cannot remember the name. But have ambitions to do 2/3 hours along that ridge and then down to the camp site. Since the pyrenees have more stamina due to more haemoglobin. Ran with Lisa, after she cycled. Only pico de aguila, but still good.